Wheat Bran vs. Wheat Germ

Wheat Berries

Although they are similar in name, wheat bran and wheat germ are two entirely different ingredients. What might look like a single wheat kernel, can actually be viewed as three different entities.

The outer shell of the kernel is high in fiber and nutrients and is referred to as the bran. The middle part of the kernel is known as the germ. This part is rich in nutrients but actually serves as a seed and can be planted to grow more wheat. The final part of the kernel is also the largest. Known as the endosperm, this part of the kernel makes up almost 80% of the kernel and is mostly starch.

Wheat Bran

Like we mentioned before, wheat bran is the outer shell of the kernel. And while you might be thinking, “Gee, what can I do with a shell?”, we are here to tell you that there are actually many ways you can utilize wheat bran. Not only will using wheat bran give your goods a sweet and nutty flavoring, but wheat bran will also cover a portion of your daily recommended fiber intake.

This part of the kernel contains protein, nutrients, and minerals leaving you feeling full and satisfied for longer periods of time.

Wheat bran pairs well when used in:

  • Baked goods
  • Salads
  • Soups
  • Cereal

Wheat Germ

We like to think of wheat germ as the heart of the kernel. Located right in the middle of the kernel, wheat germ is the smallest part of the kernel, but the highest in minerals and vitamins. What makes this part of the kernel unique is its versatility. Wheat germ can be planted to sprout new wheat and can also be used as an anti-ager, a muscle developer, and a weight loss supporter.

Wheat germ pairs well when used in:

  • Baked goods
  • Granola
  • Cereal
  • Pancakes

Did you know you can grind your own wheat to use in baked goods? Check out our variety of grain mills to help with this task!

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